Secnidazole is a nitro-imidazole structurally similar to metronidazole. It enters the micro-organism by passive diffusion and undergoes activation by reduction of the 5-nitro group.Reduced secnidazole interacts with DNA to cause a loss in helical structure, strand breakage, and resultant inhibition in nucleic acid synthesis and cell death.It has a selective toxicity against anaerobic micro-organisms.
Indication and Usage
. Intestinal Amoebiasis
. Hepatic Amoebiasis
. Urethritis and Vagnitis due to Trichomonas vaginalis
Hypersensitivity; Pregnancy,(1st trimester) and lactation.
Special Precaution
Avoid alcohol and disulfiram. Avoid in patients with history of blood disorder.
Drug Interaction
Concurrent disulfiram admin may cause psychotic reaction. Disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol. Cimetidine ,ay prolong half life. Potentially Fatal: May potentiate anticoagulant effect of warfarin and increase risk of haemorrhage.
Adverse Reaction
Nausea, gastralgia, change of test, metallic taste, stomatitis, urticaria, rashes, leucopenia. Rarely vertigo, moderate neurological, digestive disturbance.
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